Hips Opener Extraordinary! If you have ever done yoga, you have heard of Sun Salutations—the ultimate opener of the body. Even if you don’t want to be a yogi or […]
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Shoulder extension is one of the underestimated movements that are quite important for your well-being, looks, and athletic performance. As athletic and fit as we feel we are—working out in […]
We often don’t think about in what way our hips are tilted when we move, stand, or walk. However, having a good control of your hip movement could be life […]
I am going to ask you two questions. Take your time, think a little bit and try to answer before your continue to read. 1) Do you think that your […]
I was playing tennis every day, seven days a week. And do the fitness training and injury prevention several times a week just to be able to play so much. […]
Compound effect what? When we decide we want something, we often want it really fast. Pretty much NOW would be the best. We want to be super fit, super lean, run […]
Shoulder flexion mobility (the overhead position of your arms) is an extremely important subject. For tennis players for the serve or overhead motion, for other athletes and non-athletes just the […]
Cossack squat, also known as side-to-side (low slide) squat is a quite intense exercise that will reveal many of your weaknesses… Oh, did you say that you don’t have any? […]
You need strong and functional glutes for any athletic movement that you do. If you want to perform optimally and without overuse injuries, include glute training into your regimen. Make […]
The scapular shrugs are going to be your new friend. Have you tried how well you can move and control your shoulder blades, lately? It is very possible that you may […]
The 2016 is over. Whether it was your best year or not, you can always refocus and make the 2017 the strongest, fittest and most fun year. Sit down and […]
Scapulas, better known as shoulder blades, are body parts that we often don’t care much about. You may remember when you were young and your mom was telling you to […]