Tennis Fitness Love: injury-free sport performance Build bullet-proof fitness… the older you get, the better you get.
Build bullet-proof fitness… the older you get, the better you get.

News Pegs

To make your job as a journalist or book reviewer even easier, consider some of the following “news pegs” for this subject:


GOODBYE, ACHY BODY: The topic speaks to all tennis players at any level and any age, offering simple advice how to play injury-free tennis for the rest of their lives. The older the tennis player or the higher level of play, the harder the game is on the body. The one-sided nature of tennis causes imbalances in the body and creating overuse injuries over time. With mindful fitness, it is simple to prevent future injuries.


THE CHALLENGING PART OF TENNIS: A lot of tennis players play tennis to become fit. They don’t realize that the one-sided nature of tennis will cause imbalances in the body that will lead to overuse injuries over time. To play injury-free tennis for the rest of their lives, they need to become fit first. However, it is not any fitness. It must be mindful and precisely fitted to their personal needs. It must be practiced regularly, and they will be able to play without overuse injuries at high levels and at any age.


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